Ballbarians R.S.V.P. Page

 Ballbarians event you will be RSVP'ing to:

Please make sure to check the box in front of each event (SEE EXAMPLE) so the correct R.S.V.P. information gets sent to the organizer of the event.
Thank you for your help & support.



(Make your R.S.V.P. Below)

February 9, 2014: 4pm-6pm, Xtreme Challenge Gladiator Fusion Arena
Yes No Maybe

How did you hear about the event?
Ballbarians WASA CYAS Other (type in comments)

Make sure your payment has been made before attending.  It needs to be paid in advance!  We will not accept any money at the event! 
We need this so we can provide the number of people attending so they can plan accordingly to give us a great event.

Please see the brochure/flyer for all the details.

Enter Your Name:
Please Enter Your Email Address:
(in case there is a question on your R.S.V.P.)


The Ballbarians are run on a tight budget and make no real money on the teams and things we do.  We do as a labor of love and enjoy doing it. 

We however have some costs running this website, providing the gifts we hand out, etc.  So if you appreicate all the hard work and would like to donate some money to the team we would greatly appreicate it.  You can donate below by clicking on the button.  Thanks in advance!

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